fri31mar7:00 pmfri9:30 pmBE Prayer ExerienceWORSHIP GOD CREATIVELY7:00 pm - 9:30 pm(GMT-04:00) St. Edward's Episcopal Church, 460 N. Grandview Street

BE Prayer Experience

Event Details


WE KNOW LIFE IS CRAZY! It often seems impossible to slow down long enough to focus on the important stuff. We spend too much time DOING this and that, GOING from here to there. Do you need a break?

YOU ARE INVITED TO BE. EYC has designed a special night for you to step away from the real world so that you can encounter God.

TAKE TIME TO BE WITH GOD. We’re confident this night will be the best two hours of your week.

BE RENEWED. BE REFRESHED. Find the strength your soul is craving, the help only God can give when we spend time in His presence.

The BE Prayer Experience is a worship event using a series of stations that youth will work through at their own pace. Each station has a devotional thought, Scripture passage to process and an activity or journal question.


March 31, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm(GMT-04:00)

St. Edward's Episcopal Church