Children's Ministry
St. Edward's Episcopal Kids (SEEK) holds Sunday School for K-5th grade every week to help children learn about the Bible and grow in the Lord.Nursery
Nursery is available during the 10AM service on Sundays for infants, toddlers, and children up to age 5.
Children in K-5th grade attend the 10AM service leaving for the Sunday school room immediately after Communion for study that draws kids into God’s redemptive story through creative play and activities.
5th Grader Bible Training
As we prepare our kids for what they’ll encounter when they move up into youth group, we want them to have a stronger foundation and familiarity with the Bible.
"Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters."
- Aslan
We`re back at it on Wednesday nights with our read-aloud through the Narnia books. We`re continuing through The Magician`s Nephew, and got to part of the story the features Aslan as he creates Narnia with his song, meets the visitors, and deals with the entrance of evil into the land.
There are some great themes that came up in conversation with the kids... like taking responsibility for our actions (like Digory did), dealing with the consequences of those actions, and accepting forgiveness.
Then we built Lego Aslans!
It`s so great seeing the kids enjoying the stories, digging into Biblical truths, and expressing their creativity!
SO much fun!
#EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #narnia #themagiciansnephew #cslewis #lego #youtministry #kidsministry
Our children and youth (and Deacon Dan) had a great weekend at @campwingmann Winter Camp!
The theme this year was "Total Surrender," focusing on Galatians 2:20...
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
The youth spent time studying and discussing this (and several other) Scriptures, worshipping together, doing crafts, playing (and competing) in all kinds of games and activities, praying for one another, and connecting with old and new friends from around the diocese.
These camps have become a BIG part in the growth of our church`s children and youth.
Thank you to everyone who helps make weekends like this possible for our kids!
#EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth
My view from behind the altar with a nearly packed chapel at campwingmann while we were singing the Lord`s Prayer during the #eucharist.
What an amazing experience help lead these youth in worship this morning and delivering the sermon wrapping up our Winter Camp experience together!
So. Good.
#cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #episcopalyouth #youthministry #firstsundayofchristmas
A wonderful night of worship at campwingmann with _amyyyates and kbbartle. First with Amy leading all of the youth and children together, followed by a beautiful time of compline prayer with Rev Kev bringing in a special Silent Night for the Christmas season.
Winter Camp has been a special time for all of us this year, and this was an amazing way cap it all off on our last night.
It`s always inspiring to see young people pour out their hearts to God like this. I feel like I have a front row seat to watching a generation that`s going to rock this world for Christ.
And I`m so grateful to be able to stand alongside other great leaders who are helping set the tone for these youth.
#cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #episcopalyouth #youthministry #episcopalchurch
It`s been a beautiful Christmas Eve at stedwardsepiscopal! The kids did really well with their pageant, singing Happy Birthday Jesus, and then we enjoyed hot cocoa and cookies... complete with "snow" outside!
We`re blessed to have such an amazing church community!
Merry Christmas, from the King family to you and yours!
#EYCmountdora #SEEKmountdora #merrychristmas🎄 #kingpartyof7
Tonight after listening to our readings from The Magician`s Nephew in our Wednesday night youth and kids program, we drew chalkboard art of (SPOILER) Narnia as it was sung into existence by Aslan.
Complete with Aslan on top of the mountain watching over everything, the mean Uncle Andrew and Jadis, and the adventurous Polly and Digory.
Oh, and there`s a puppy in there, because we love them and they must have been there because they`re so cute.
These are fun nights exploring the stories of C.S. Lewis, and I love seeing these kids expressing their creativity in different ways.
I bet we have more fun than the adults in their study!
″‘Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.‘”
#SEEKmountdora #EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #youthmin #kidsmin #mountdora
Scenes from The Magician`s Nephew... The Wood Between the Worlds.
We`re having a blast in our Wednesday night youth and kids program! Each week we`re reading through a chapter or two at a time through the Chronicles of Narnia books. And along the way, we`re doing different crafty/hands-on activities.
This week we were building places we`ve encountered so far in The Magician`s Nephew. And everyone was getting creative building Uncle Andrew`s office, the wood between the worlds, and the city of Charn.
I love that the kids are all having fun experiencing such great stories!
#SEEKmountdora #EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #youthmin #kidsmin #mountdora
When Mr. Dan teaches Sunday school with the kids using "The Flood" adventure from storymakersnyc...
The kids have such a great time acting out these stories and playing to experience the ideas we discuss.
SO much fun! Who wants to join us?
#SEEKmountdora #sundayschool #cfdioceseyouth #childrensministry #kidsministry #episcopalyouth #kidsmin
Children’s Ministry Blog
Surgeon General’s Warning for Youth (Parent Night Conversations)
Another youth minister I know did an anonymous survey with their youth group, asking them what the most pressing things they wanted to learn about...
How To Engage Your Youth Over Summer (Parent Night Conversations)
As Summer approaches, we're all about to have a bunch of kids with nothing to do! So rather than simply allowing them to plant their faces in a...
Icon Writing Project for Youth Art Month
March is Youth Art Month. So it seems fitting to have the children and youth in our church work on a cool art project. And with it being the Lenten...
Children’s Ministry (SEEK) Calendar