Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
EYC Mount Dora is the youth group for St. Edward's Episcopal Church serving middle school and high school youth. We meet every Sunday from noon to 2pm, with lunch provided.Building Relationships
Our weekly meetings start with (free) lunch and time to just hang out and talk, and finish with free-time to continue building relationship. Additionally, we do a variety of fun, recreational activities outside of our weekly meetings.
Bible Study
The core of our weekly meetings is our Bible study discussions. We learn how to read and study the Scriptures, and practice good study and application of the Word through group conversation. Our goal is to develop sound interpretation techniques and grow in our love for the Word of God.
Community Service
Students are encouraged to explore ways to live out their faith through a variety of ministry opportunities and community service projects. Out goal is to serve locally, and through service trips like Soul in the City (organized with other youth groups in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida).
Youth Group Connections
Parents’ Facebook Group
(Resources and updates.)
St. Ignatius of Loyola is known for starting the Jesuit Order, and for his Spiritual Exercises that were all about drawing us closer to God.
One of his exercises was a form of daily prayer called Examen. It`s daily prayer used to help us see where God is active in our lives and opening us up to allowing Hom to work in us in the coming day.
It`s a powerful form of prayer that can be done at the end (or beginning) of each day, helping us grow closer to God and develop into the fullness of Life that He calls us to.
That`s what we studied with the youth today, and they loved learning about this centuries-old prayer form!
#EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #youthmin #youthgroup #prayer #contemplative
Our youth already LOVE the @youversion Bible App, and got super excited when they found out that we can do a Bible reading plan together as a group!
So we`re starting a short (7-day) plan on Jan 1st!
Eventually, we`ll likely work up to doing longer plans, like a 40`ish day plan for Lent.
It`s SO great seeing our youth get excited about digging into the Scriptures together. I pray that the Holy Spirit meets them there as they explore the Word!
Let Deacon Dan know if you want/need more information about connecting with what we`re doing.
#EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth #youthmin #youthgroup #biblestudy #youthministry
JUST LAUNCHED! I`ve just released a new 5-week small group study on the five commitments in the Baptismal Covenant. You can get it at...
bibledude.gumroad.com (or link in bio)
It`s a study that I put together and conducted with the youth at stedwardsepiscopal, but it`s not just for youth, and it`s not just for #episcopalian churches.
The study dives into five key areas of what the Christian life should look like.
Check it out!
#biblestudy #christian #bookofcommonprayer #baptismalcovenant #EYCmountdora #youthministry #youthmin #youthgroup #smallgroup
We just finished a amazing study with the youth on the prayers of Advent. And you can find the notes on the blog at...
It`s amazing how rich and robust the conversation can be when you slow down and explore these beautiful prayers and soak in each word.
Many of the youth felt like this study helped then REALLY understand the reason for the season... of Advent... and seeing how Advent is very different than Christmas itself.
And some shared how much the Advent perspectives we explored should shape us for the entire rest of the year too.
Check out our post on the study, and spend some time meditating on and discussing these great prayers.
#EYCmountdora #cfdioceseyouth #cfdiocese #youthministry #youthmin #youthgroup #advent #episcopalyouth #episcopalian #prayer
The youth had another GREAT night doing the parking fundraiser at the church for some of the Christmas festivities downtown!
We always finish work like this with a little ice cream treat at @scoopson5th and hanging out downtown... usually with a stop in @barrelofbooks. And this time, we got in a few minutes time to play in the snow before they started cleaning it up.
This group always works hard, and plays hard! There`s definitely a lot of reason to be excited about the next generation in our church!
#EYCmountdora #youtministry #youthmin #youthgroup #mountdora #mountdorafl #lakecountyfl #someplacespecial #cfdioceseyouth #episcopalyouth
Had a great time parking cars with the youth tonight for the Christmas Walk event in downtown Mount Dora! It turned out to be a great fundraiser for the youth.
And then we headed downtown ourselves for a little treat and to check out the holiday festivities and lights.
We`ve really got a great, fun community!
#EYCmountdora #youtministry #youthmin #youthgroup #mountdora #mountdorafl #someplacespecial
"Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen."
Collect (Prayer) for the First Sunday of Advent (BCP p. 211)
#advent #episcopalchurch #prayer #bcp #bookofcommonprayer #EYCmountdora #iamepiscopalian
It`s the great stedwardsepiscopal family ministry Halloween party, Charlie Brown!
It`s such a fun night that I always forget to take more pictures. But we always get the big group photo. And it`s cool when I can get 40`ish people to come and just experience community and connection with one another.
I think what really makes is special is not just the gathering of some friends, but doing it outside and all of us connecting with other neighbors and families all evening.
#EYCmountdora #youtministry #kidsmin #mountdora #someplacespecial #sorrentofl #halloween🎃
Youth Ministry Blog
Brainwashed: Youth Bible Study Series
In this bible study series with the youth group, we talked through ways that we get brainwashed by the world. Here's the problem... In the culture...
Youth Testimony: Soul In the City by Hope L.
Note: This testimony was shared by Hope L. at the Youth Dinner and Talent Show Fundraiser (Nov. 2022). I have gone to summer camps since I was about...
Youth Bring Soul in the City to DeLand
Summer mission trips can be transformative experiences, especially for youth. And when these trips are done well, they can also have a great impact...
Kids at Camp Wingmann Learn How to ‘Make It Matter’
This summer, children and youth from all around Central Florida came to Camp Wingmann for an experience that will impact them for a long time to...